Researchers Find Bacteria 442 in Musical Instruments


From a recent study published in the journal General Dentistry, found that playing a musical instrument can increase health risks to the potentially fatal for children.
In addition, also detected 58 types of fungus and 19 species of fungi
VIVAnews - Former clarinet musical instruments made ​​of brass or other known highly contaminated with various bacteria and fungi. A large number of bacteria and fungi are among associated with minor infections to serious infections, and diseases associated with allergy.

"Many children who follow the school band or extra-curricular music and often play an instrument that represents a loan or a rental," said R. Thomas Glass, dental specialist who chaired the study, as quoted from MedIndia, March 16, 2011.

Most of these instruments, Glass said, was played by another student and was not cleaned properly. "In fact, bacteria and fungi can remain there for weeks or even months after last use," he said.

Of the 13 musical instruments commonly used by school bands and used as a sample, researchers conducted tests at 117 different points on the instrument.

Six instruments have been used within one week prior to testing. While seven other musical instruments last used a month earlier.

From testing, it was revealed that in total, the instrument produces 442 different bacteria. Many of them are from Staphylococcus species, or bacteria that can cause infection. In addition, also detected 58 types of fungus and 19 species of fungi.

"Parents are generally not aware that mushrooms and fungi on the instrument can contribute to the development of asthma in the body of his son," said Glass. "In addition, mold and fungus on musical instruments was also a common cause of infection around the mouth and lips," he said.

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